Friday, October 18, 2024

Join the Friends of Oak Grove Cemetery

Friends of Oak Grove Cemetery Re-Established

The Friends of the Oak Grove Cemetery group is being re-established to assist in the fundraising efforts related to specific projects for the improvement, maintenance, and beautification of Oak Grove Cemetery. The FOGC group acts as an arm of the Oak Grove Cemetery Board and is dedicated to the support of Oak Grove Cemetery, Conway, Arkansas. Any person interested in projects to improve Oak Grove Cemetery, is eligible to be a member of the organization.

There are always needs like upkeep of the grounds, mowing, weed-eating, trash pickup, and removing twigs and fallen branches. There are infrastructure improvements needed: fencing, developing the new 2 acres of property given by the city, drainage improvements, street repaving and building a pavilion. It is important to the City of Conway and to all who have treasured family members buried at Oak Grove, to continue to make the cemetery a beautiful place.

Please make a donation and be a part of the effort to make this historical cemetery a peaceful resting place for those who are buried there, and those who will be.  A one-time donation or a monthly donation would make a huge impact!  Payment can be made using the QR code below. Checks, Cash, or donations through Paypal are accepted. 

You are also encouraged to contribute more than the yearly dues using the tiered system of donation levels:

$25-$99 Friend
$100-$249 Contributor
$250-$499 Sustainer
$500-$999 Benefactor
$1,000 + Patron

Click HERE for a fillable form to join FOGC!

If you are unable to contribute financially but would still like to support the mission of Oak Grove Cemetery, the Board hosts several events throughout the year that we encourage you to attend:

  • Adopt-a-Street Cleanup, November 9, 2024
  • The Big Event Cleanup—Assisted by volunteer college groups, March 8, 2025
  • Memorial Day Service/Decoration Day, April 26, 2025, 10 a.m.
  • Gone But Not Forgotten, TBD

Thank you for your continued support of the Oak Grove Cemetery. We look forward to continuing to maintain a place of peace, comfort, and solitude for the community.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Gone But Not Forgotten


Gone But Not Forgotten Returns!

We are bringing Gone But Not Forgotten back to Oak Grove Cemetery, thanks to the Conway High School Drama Department. 

Sunday, May 5
3:00-5:00 pm
Oak Grove Cemetery
305 E. Bruce St. 

This is a come-and-go event. You may come anytime between
3:00 and 5:00 pm and tour the gravesites of
famous Conway educators:
Sallie Cone, Ellen Smith, Julia Lee Moore and others.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Seeking a Part-Time Volunteer as Cemetery Administrator

Oak Grove Cemetery, Conway's 140-year-old public cemetery, seeks a part-time volunteer with a flexible schedule to serve as administrator.  With back-up by the seven-member cemetery board, this person will:

  • Answer phone calls about past burials and requests for burial spaces
  • Mark burial sites for interments
  • Handle sales of burial sites
  • Meet with the board once a month

The time required each week varies from zero to about 8 hours.  This is an ideal position for a person who has an interest in Conway history and a desire for community service.  To inquire, call John Courtway at 501-358-6699 or email

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Cemetery-wide Clean-up


The Oak Grove Cemetery Board has begun a cemetery-wide clean-up in an attempt to bring all gravesites into compliance with the governing regulations, which are available for review on the Cemetery's Facebook page and website. If you are responsible for a gravesite, please see that it conforms to the current regulations.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Springtime at Oak Grove

"Springtime means many things at Oak Grove Cemetery, one of which is cleaning up around the columbarium."

Social Distancing, but Meeting

Your Oak Grove Cemetery Board keeping social distancing at our April meeting.

AHPP - Cleaning Headstones

We have recently had an inquiry about cleaning headstones. Check out this link to an instructional video produced by the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program. It is important to use cleaners that will not cause further damage to the stone.